Hey! Cool that you found us. : )
We are Tim, Lasse, Fred, and Christian, 4 best friends from the Münsterland region (NRW/ Germany).
While you’re reading this, we’re probably in the rehearsal room working on our first album.
When we formed in 2019 as the result of a school band, we probably couldn’t have imagined this. By now, Why Try means much more to us than just a hobby. During rehearsals, in the studio, on stage, and in conversations with friends, a super fulfilling band atmosphere full of thankfulness and love has developed.
Without you, this whole thing wouldn’t be half as wonderful, that's what we're sure of! <3
From the beginning, we wanted to write our own songs, which is why you’ve known our debut single "Room"since 2022, which you heard live 14 times last year. However, writing songs and playing live at the same time turned out to be really challenging, so this year we shut ourselves away into the rehearsal room to write the songs for our debut album.
In 2025, we’ll finally meet again at the gigs! Check out our live dates ; maybe we’ve already revealed something. Or send us a messageif you have an idea where we can play.
Wherever and whenever we meet: we can't wait to see you!
Until then, you'll have to deal with Spotify & co. and our videos. :)
(pssst, don’t tell anyone, but just between us: There’s more of that coming soon!!!!)
See you soon!
Why Try ♥
P.S.: By the way, this is what we’re currently listening to the most. ->
P.S.: By the way, this is what we’re currently listening to the most: